Hot Dog Harry Story
Michael Vernon, the Vice-President of Belly Busters and the Behavioral Skills Instructor at Before and After Weight Loss Clinics, is also an author and screenwriter in his spare time. If you would like to read his latest work. It is on for just $4.99 as an e-book for Kindles and other e-readers. Full of history and true life stories, you are sure to enjoy this page turner. Order the book here for $10 or on Amazon at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
For more info about his 501-3-c, go to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Harry Hishchinger was as American as his nickname, "Hot Dog Harry" and he never stopped giving back to the country that saved him from the Holocaust. He was an unsung hero who took hot dogs to the troops but his escapades and brushes with the rich and famous and history are chronicles in this rich tale by Michael Vernon.